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Receding Hairline Hair Transplant - 1 Year Results

After years of being frustrated with his receding hairline, our patient John decided he wanted a hair transplant and needed to feel at ease with his decision.

After much research, he placed his trust in the doctors at Natural Transplants knowing they had his best interest in mind and underwent hair transplant surgery to lower his hairline and fill in his temples.  After the surgery, John recommends Natural Transplants for their honesty and truthfulness regarding results.

1 year later, Dr. Blumenthal calls in with John to reveal a full, thriving hairline. His progress is impeccable and his hairline truly looks better than ever.

Has hair loss has become a major problem for you? For many of our patients, the number one benefit of a hair replacement surgery is that it gives them a more youthful appearance with a fuller, thicker head of natural hair.

If you'd like to see an illustrated guide to male pattern baldness, check out the Norwood Hair Loss Scale at Click HERE

Natural Transplants has proven results across hundreds of 5-star testimonials. Count on Natural Transplants to not only restore your hair but do it in a way that makes it look natural.

Can I finance my hair transplant and how much will it cost per month?

While we do not directly finance your hair transplant, we accept most credit cards and financing options are available through the approved lenders listed below.

Finance hair transplant?

Rather than having to postpone your surgery, financing allows you to get your hair back now and pay later.

HCS (becoming Ally Lending) offers hair transplant financing including zero percent interest for 6 months and 12-60 month terms starting at 9.99%.

CareCredit has flexible financing options including 6 months of interest-free financing and 24-60 month terms with no prepayment penalties.

If you are seeking a permanent hair loss solution that's guaranteed to change the way you look call us toll-free at 844-327-4247 and have a risk-free conversation with a hair restoration expert.

Click here "Learn more" and get free information about hair transplant costs, finance options, procedures, and setting realistic expectations.

In Orlando, FL call 321-418-8221 to learn about financing your hair transplant.

What do we charge per hair graft?

We receive many inquiries daily from prospective hair loss patients who want quotes on our per hair graft price for hair restoration.

For a true comparison, it’s impossible to base a decision on a per hair graft price unless you know the number of hairs per graft, which varies by clinic. The better question to ask is how many hairs will you receive from one hair transplant?

In a single hair graft scenario, 3,000 grafts equal 3,000 hairs. In a double hair graft scenario, 3,000 grafts equal 6,000 hairs. Most people have no idea how many hairs per graft doctors and hair restoration clinics are providing when comparing the real cost per hair.

Unlike our exclusive High-Yield Unit Extraction® technique with results up to 10,000 hairs in just one session, the FUE process can only give you 4,000 hairs. That may not be enough hair to achieve the look you're looking for and you may need additional procedures.

Call 844-327-4247 today to schedule a free hair restoration consultation. Learn how we achieve unprecedented density for our hair loss patients by visiting

Hair Loss In Men. How to Get Your Hair Back.

f you are looking to understand your hair loss, we suggest you have a candid conversation with a hair loss specialist.  read more below these before and after hair transplant photos of our actual patients (you can see their faces, right?). Lots of clinics try to use other clinics' patient pictures and claim the results as their own. Preferably, that someone is a licensed medical doctor who's expertise is the treatment of hair loss in women and men and knows how to listen to their patients.

This is all very pertinent information that aids all the surgeons at our hair replacement clinics, in making a determination of what is causing your condition (medical or genetic) and enable them all to make the best recommendations for treatments.

Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic provides all patients with unprecedented results using the safest, most effective methods of hair loss diagnosis, hair restoration, and hair transformation.

HUE℠ stands for High-Yield Unit Extraction℠.  The concept is simple--to extract and move the MOST hairs possible in a single session. This is achieved by our highly-skilled, licensed medical doctors, and highly efficient technicians, trained to maximize the donor tissue by limiting transected donor hairs. The entire procedure is performed in our state-of-the-art facilities, utilizing the latest in medical equipment to achieve the best hair transplant possible.

Choosing to receive a hair transplant is a big commitment and requires an investment in yourself.

What's it worth to look and feel younger

Get the answers about hair transplant costs, watch videos, and learn more. Visit

A Great place to get a great hair transplant, from great hair transplant doctors.

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